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Ready to run?
Gone For A Run is about celebrating running.
"I founded Gone For A Run because I cherish the joy in 'Going for a run' and I believe that the magic found when you run should be encouraged, shared, and celebrated." - Julie Lynn, Founder


Come, run along with us as we share our joy of everything running.

Stemless wine glassIt's Friday, meaning it's time to wind down from the work week and gear up for the weekend. I know I will be enjoying a drink or two tonight. Whether you are a wine connoisseur or have a running friend who can appreciate a great bottle of wine,  you need to check out our new stemless wine glasses. These glasses are a great addition to any home bar, which makes them a great gift idea.

Do you know someone running in the Marine Corps Marathon this weekend? Well afterwards, surprise them with a bottle of cold wine waiting in the fridge and a personalized glass at home! There are dozens of designs to choose from, so the glasses can be given to anyone (over 21 of course) from running moms to your big bearded running friend. With the New York Marathon quickly approaching, get your congratulatory gift ready now. Or just buy one for yourself, like I may or may not have done. These glasses also come in designs for ultra marathoners and triathletes!

You may be wondering, why go stemless? Stemless wine glasses are the same shape as any other wine glasses with a few added benefits. They provide the same wide rims to allow the wine to breathe while being easier to store and pack. Or, if you're like me, you don't have to worry about breaking the fragile stem. I'll admit I have gone through about 18 wine glasses in the past year, so I've given up on stemmed glasses.  The other great feature of these glasses are their versatility! I am a former bartender, so I like to create specialty cocktails, especially around the holidays. These glasses hold 15 oz and are the perfect size to be used as a large rocks glass, a brandy snifter or a standard high ball. Which means these glasses are great for whiskey, brandy, sangria, and almost any drink.

Now go order your own stemless wine glasses and pick up your favorite refreshment. It's time to relax and enjoy the weekend off and some perfect 60 degree fall runs!

Show us how you enjoy your Gone For a RUN glassware! Or share your favorite drink recipes with us here, on Facebook or on Instagram ( just add #GoneForaRUN )