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Gone For A Run is about celebrating running.
"I founded Gone For A Run because I cherish the joy in 'Going for a run' and I believe that the magic found when you run should be encouraged, shared, and celebrated." - Julie Lynn, Founder


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March 12th   |   By Taylor   |   Guides

Running Strong: The Power of Keeping a Running Journal

Hey there, fellow runner! If you're anything like us, you know that hitting the pavement isn't just about logging miles—it's about logging memories, achievements, and goals. And what better way to keep track of your running journey than with a trusty running journal, like the Gone For A Run Journal?

Running Strong

Why Keep a Running Journal?

  • Motivation at Your Fingertips: Whether it's a Gone for a Run Journal or a simple notebook, having a dedicated space to jot down your runs adds an element of motivation to each session. Just flipping through the pages can reignite your passion for pounding the pavement.
  • Reflection Leads to Progress: Taking the time to reflect on your runs—how they felt, what went well, what could be improved—is key to making progress as a runner. A journal provides the perfect platform for this introspection, allowing you to learn from each experience and grow stronger with every step.
  • Personalization for Peak Performance: Unlike generic tracking apps, a running journal is as unique as you are. You have the freedom to customize your entries, adding notes, doodles, or even stickers to make each page your own. This personal touch can make a world of difference in staying engaged and committed to your training.

The Analog Advantage

  • Mindfulness in a Digital World: In an age dominated by screens and notifications, there's something refreshing about putting pen to paper. Writing down your runs forces you to unplug, allowing you to be fully present in the moment and truly appreciate the miles you've covered.
  • Tangible Progress: While digital data can easily be forgotten or lost in the shuffle, a physical journal provides a tangible record of your progress. Flipping through the pages and seeing how far you've come is not only gratifying but also incredibly motivating.
  • Freedom from Distractions: With a journal, there are no pop-up ads, no notifications vying for your attention—just you, your thoughts, and the open road. This freedom from distractions allows you to focus solely on your run, resulting in a more mindful and enjoyable experience.

Running Journal

Get Started Today!

Whether you opt for the Gone For A Run Journal or a notebook from your local stationery store, the important thing is to start keeping track of your runs. Not only will it help you stay motivated and focused, but it will also serve as a valuable tool for growth and progress as a runner.

So, lace up those shoes, grab your journal, and let's hit the ground running. With your trusty journal by your side, there's no limit to what you can achieve. Happy running! 🏃‍♀️💨