Our one-of-a-kind “Ability. Motivation. Attitude” BibFOLIO® Race Bib Album is the perfect choice for any runner to archive, preserve, and display their hard-earned race bibs. The race bib album displays a unique motivational message: “Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation is what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it” in order to keep any runner focused and determined to reach their running goals. Place the album on a table, a shelf, or desk – both at home or in the office to celebrate your running memories and achievements. Crafted from sturdy wood that is hand-finished and fitted with twist cable rings, each album is as functional as it is stylish. To add bibs, unscrew the rings and slide them through the holes at the top of the bib or protector sleeve (if used), and close the rings for a unique album runners will love and cherish. Perfect keepsake gift for a determined runner for any occasion.
Race Bib Vinyl Protector Sleeves - Recommended
Protect your bibs with our high-quality vinyl sleeves that serve as a barrier against unintentional damage when browsing the album. Designed to fit the race bib album perfectly. Place bibs and any related race memorabilia in the sleeve and add details about the race in the writeable space at top. Includes 12 Vinyl protector sleeves. Additional protector sleeves available in packages of 12.